It's Here! 2025 Tax Season Is Underway
by Ira Grossbach on Jan 17, 2025 2:43:06 PM
With the holidays now in our rear view mirror, it is that time of year again – tax season is officially upon us!
We’re looking forward to assisting you with the preparation of your 2024 Income Tax Returns. As always, we’re committed to providing a high-quality, personalized level of service tailored to your individual needs.
Below, we’ve summarized all of the key information you need to know to make your 2024 tax filing experience as smooth as possible.

Tax Organizers
You’ll receive your 2024 tax organizer through the updated SafeSend Gather platform (more details coming on Friday). We will not send out tax organizers by mail or email, unless you specifically ask us to.
Transparency is important to us. Your fee may increase this year. If you have any questions, please contact our office before sending your tax return information.
Tax Documents
We prefer not to receive individual tax documents on a piecemeal basis. Instead, we ask that you send your tax documents in one substantially complete package. Why? Working on your tax returns without all of the pieces is like baking a cake without all of the ingredients – it just doesn’t work.
You can upload documents as you receive them to SafeSend, but please hit Save and Continue until all your documents are uploaded. When you have everything put together, complete your SafeSend electronic transfer
To ensure the security of your information, we kindly request that you provide us with copies of your tax documents, rather than the originals. Retaining your original documents is critical, as they may be needed for future reference. Copies can be mailed or dropped off at our office.
Your ShareFile portal is still available and can be continued to be used to upload and store your 2024 tax documents.
Missing Tax Return Information
If missing information is not received in a timely manner, we will finish your tax return with the information you provided. We will send two emails requesting missing information. Please send all missing information in one complete package and not piecemeal. It is imperative that you respond to our emails and phone calls in a timely manner. There will be an additional fee to reprocess your tax return.
We do not schedule in-person tax appointments for returning clients unless there is a specific issue or change in circumstances that needs to be discussed. We encourage you to send your substantially completed set of tax documents through SafeSend Gather or our ShareFile Portal. You can also mail or drop off your tax return information to our office between 8am and 5pm, Monday - Thursday.
We also have a secure mail bin in front of the office for you to drop off your tax documents, available 7am - 7pm Monday - Friday.
Gathering Your Tax Information
We strongly encourage you to gather all relevant tax information early in the tax season.
Once we receive your completed package of tax information, we’ll call or email you to follow up with any questions. If necessary, we can also schedule a time to review your 2024 tax information with you over the phone.
If your contact information has changed from the previous year, please update your Tax Organizer with current contact information.
Also, if your preference for a paper check has changed and you would like your refund direct deposited, balance due automatically withdrawn, or if your bank account information has changed, please include a copy of a void check with your tax information.
If a completed package of your tax documents is not received by March 23, 2025, we cannot guarantee we will be able to file your tax return by April 15, 2025, and an extension will be filed.
2024 Stock Trades/Brokerage Statements
For 2024 stock trades, your brokerage company must summarize all your capital gain and loss transactions showing purchase dates, purchase price, date sold, selling price and the relevant gain or loss. If you do not have a broker’s report, you must provide other written documentation to substantiate the transaction to comply with the reporting rules. Please review your broker’s statements and/or personal records to ensure that a cost basis is provided for each transaction.
If you traded in cryptocurrency during the year, you would need to either download a gain/loss report from your crypto custodian (i.e. Coinbase) or create one using commercially available software.
2024 Estimated Tax Payments
If you made Estimated Tax Payments for the year 2024 (Federal, State and/or City), please provide copies of your canceled checks or electronic receipts of your Estimated Tax Payments to us when sending your tax documents. Remember the estimated payment made in January 2025 is for 2024’s estimated taxes and the estimated payment made in January 2024 is for 2023’s estimated taxes.
Tax Organizer and Engagement Letter
You‘ll receive your 2024 Tax Organizer and Engagement Letter through SafeSend Gather.
The organizer is a useful tool that our clients rely on when gathering their information. It provides all the information included on your 2023 return and it is helpful to refresh your memory on your income and deductions.
You will receive your organizer through SafeSend Gather in an editable PDF format. You’ll have the option of uploading your tax documents and adding notes concerning your 2024 income tax return.
We require that you complete the questionnaire so we can accurately prepare your 2024 tax returns. The questionnaire provides relevant information for us to prepare your return efficiently and accurately. Please return the completed questionnaire with your tax return information or through our SafeSend portal.
Please contact Sabina Kozyra by phone (914-468-0400 ext. 1136) or email ( if you need a copy of your organizer or if you have trouble navigating the SafeSend software.
We will upload a copy of your completed 2024 tax return and tax work papers you provided to your ShareFile portal.
SafeSend - Electronic Tax Return Filing System
We will continue to use SafeSend to send your 2024 tax return and e-file forms.
New in 2025: You have access to SafeSend Gather, a feature that we highly recommend that you make use of. The features included are: view and sign your returns, upload and download tax documents, pay vouchers, distribute K-1s, as well as have access to previous returns and tax information. You can access this portal through the email link that will be sent to you to complete your organizer and your Engagement letter.
Important note: The client portal is not compatible with tablets or mobile devices.
Please call Sabina Kozyra (914-468-0400 ext. 1136) with any questions regarding its use.
Tax Return Information and E-File Release Forms
Please email all tax documents to
Please email all e-file release forms to only if you did not sign electronically on the SafeSend portal.
We look forward to assisting you with all your personal and professional needs.

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